Honolulu Energy Benchmarking Ordinance

What is Honolulu Energy Benchmarking Ordinance?

Honolulu is making strides towards sustainability with Ordinance 22-17, also known as the Better Buildings Benchmarking Program. Signed into law by Mayor Blangiardi on July 20, 2022, Honolulu Energy Benchmarking program targets large commercial and multi-family buildings on Oʻahu.

What buildings are required per Honolulu Energy Benchmarking Ordinance?

  • City-owned buildings over 100,000 square feet.
  • Buildings 100,000 square feet or larger: Required to report by June 30, 2023
  • Buildings 50,000 square feet or larger: Required to report by June 30, 2024
  • Buildings 25,000 square feet or larger: Required to report by June 30, 2025

Your building may qualify for an exemption from reporting if:

  • The property did not have a certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy for the entire year required to be benchmarked
  • A demolition permit for the entire building was issued and demolition work has commenced prior to the benchmarking report due date for that year
  • The property did not receive energy or water utility services for more than a total of 30 days during that year.
  • Due to special circumstances unique to the property, compliance with the provisions of this article would not be in the public interest.
  • for buildings with >6 individual meters a partial exemption may apply if there is difficulty obtaining whole-building data from utilities (requires documentation of good faith efforts)

Extensions may be requested due to unforeseen circumstances hindering report completion and if granted a maximum of two 60-days extensions per property per year may apply.

You can view the map of buildings required to submit benchmarking data here.

What is the penalty for non-compliance?

If initial or updated benchmarking information is not received by the department within 60 days of the submission deadline, the department may issue a notice of order requiring the property owner to comply with the benchmarking order and pay a civil fine not to exceed $1,000 and pay a civil fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the initial or updated benchmarking information is not reported to the department, with civil fines not to exceed a total of $5,000 per facility per reporting year.

What is the compliance process?

Building owners must report their energy usage data to Energy Star Portfolio Manager, a reporting tool that allows building owners to compare their building’s energy efficiency with similar buildings.

What is the deadline for Honolulu Energy Benchmarking Compliance?

Oʻahu city requires that building owners annually submit their energy usage data using the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool by June 30th.

What utilities are required for benchmarking reporting?

  • Water
  • Electricity
  • Natural Gas
  • District Energy
  • Any other purchased fuel

What is the purpose for Honolulu Building Energy Benchmarking ordinance?

The City Council recognizes the impact of buildings on both the environment and residents’ wallets. Buildings are a major source of energy consumption, contributing to climate change and higher living costs for Oʻahu residents. This program aims to:

  • Reduce energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions
  • Help building owners save money on utility bills
  • Promote a more sustainable future for Honolulu

Interested in benchmarking help?

    If you are interested to learn more how Energy Fave can help with Energy benchmarking for your building or if you have more questions about the whole reporting process, feel free to email us: Info@energyfave.com