Minneapolis Energy Benchmarking Ordinance

What is Minneapolis Energy Benchmarking Ordinance?

The Minneapolis Building Rating and Disclosure Policy, also known as the Minneapolis energy benchmarking ordinance, requires certain buildings to track and report their energy consumption annually. This information will be made public to:

  • Raise awareness of building energy use
  • Identify opportunities for improvement
  • Reduce overall energy consumption in the city

What buildings are required per Minneapolis Energy Benchmarking Ordinance?

  • Commercial properties over 50,000 square feet.
  • Multifamily residential properties over 50,000 square feet.

Your building may qualify for an exemption from reporting if:

    • The building is subject to a tax lien sale or public auction due to property tax arrears.
    • The building is controlled by a court-appointed receiver due to financial distress.
    • The building is owned by a financial institution due to borrower default.
    • The building has been acquired by a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
    • The building has a senior mortgage subject to a notice of default.
  • Less than 50% occupied: The building or areas of the building subject to the requirements of this ordinance have been less than fifty (50) percent occupied during the calendar year for which benchmarking is required.
  • Certificate of occupancy issued less than two years prior: The building certificate of occupancy was issued less than two (2) years prior to the applicable benchmarking deadline.

You can view the list of buildings required to submit benchmarking data here.

What is the penalty for non-compliance?

You’ll be fined $200 and be given two weeks to:

  • Submit the data or get an extension, and
  • Pay the fine

If you miss the deadline again

  • You’ll be fined again. 
  • This process will be repeated up to four times.
  • The amount of the fine doubles each time you miss the deadline.
  • Any unpaid fines will be added to your building’s property taxes.

What is the compliance process?

Building owners must report their energy usage data to Energy Star Portfolio Manager, a reporting tool that allows building owners to compare their building’s energy efficiency with similar buildings.

If your building’s Energy Star score is 75 or lower, or it’s listed as low-performing, an energy audit is mandatory.

What is the deadline for Minneapolis Energy Benchmarking Compliance?

BEWES requires that building owners annually submit their energy usage data using the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool by June 1st. Building owners may apply for up to two extensions each year.

What utilities are required for benchmarking reporting?

  • Water
  • Electricity
  • Natural Gas
  • District Energy
  • Any other purchased fuel

What is the purpose for Minneapolis Energy Benchmarking ordinance?

Minneapolis energy benchmarking ordinance empowers building owners and the City with a clearer picture of our built environment:

  • Transparency: We track how much energy each building uses.
  • Comparative Analysis: We see how buildings stack up against similar ones, fostering a spirit of improvement.
  • Efficiency Roadmap: We identify opportunities for each building to become more energy-efficient.

This transparency leads to positive outcomes:

  • Reduced Energy Costs: Buildings with lower scores can implement cost-saving efficiency measures.
  • Improved Building Performance: Benchmarking encourages upgrades that create healthier and more comfortable spaces.
  • Sustainable Future: By reducing overall energy use, we contribute to a cleaner environment for everyone in our city.

Interested in benchmarking help?

    If you are interested to learn more how Energy Fave can help with Energy benchmarking for your building or if you have more questions about the whole reporting process, feel free to email us: Info@energyfave.com