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Energy Star Certification
How can your property qualify for Energy Star Certification?
- To become certified for Energy Star, “a property (manufacturing plant, office, multifamily…) must earn a score of 75 or more on EPA’s performance scale, which is an indication that the facility performs better than 75% of similar buildings countrywide.” Particularly, the selected property must perform in the top 25% of alike buildings. This 1 – 100 score is based on the measured energy use of a building, and it is calculated within EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool.
- We at Energy Star Now get access to the Energy Star portfolio manager of your property to look over the performance and evaluate the profile completion.
- Our team do a well-grounded evaluation to check the eligibility of becoming Energy Star Certified.
- We need to be provided with the last 12 months of utility bills for the electricity, gas, and water.
- In the next step, our team will process the data and if the score of 75 is achieved, we will conduct a virtual site visit. In some cases, presence of the Professional engineer will be required. In that case our team will communicate with you to accommodate the travel.
- Energy Fave professional engineers will validate, and stamp the Statement of Energy Performance and submit the completed application for certification.
What must a client provide to our team to move forward?
- Client must confirm the average occupancy rate for the past 12 month is greater than 50% (This is a requirement to become certified)
- We request the previous 13 months of utility bills in PDF format from the client. This data must be provided within 6 months of the site visit. If not provided, additional fees may apply as the process can take longer.
- Client must provide access to the portfolio manager profile and update the utility meters in their profile. If client requires us to input the data, there will be a $400 fee per property applied.
- Client is required to provide Energy Fave team with the contact information of a person familiar with the property information. (i.e. Chief engineer and/or property manager’s contact)
- Owner of the facility – Name, Address, Phone
What type of buildings are eligible to receive Energy Star Certification?
- Bank Branch
- Courthouse
- Data Center
- Distribution Center
- Financial Office
- Hospital (General Medical & Surgical)
- Hotel
- K-12 School
- Multifamily Housing
- Non-Refrigerated Warehouse
- Office
- Refrigerated Warehouse
- Retail Store
- Senior Care Community
- Supermarket/Grocery Store
- Wholesale Club/Supercenter
- Worship Facility
What is the Energy Star Certification Process flow?
- If there is an existing EPA’s portfolio manager profile(s), client must provide Full access. This is required in order to submit the ENERGY STAR application.
- If a portfolio manager profile has not been created on the Energy Star website, then our team will create one for the client and input all the necessary data they require from client in order to get started with the process.
- Client is responsible for inputting and updating the meter information to the most recent billing cycle available.
- Client to provide Energy Fave with the last 13 months of utility bills in a PDF format via email. This data must be provided within the time period requested in order to get the certification for that year.
- Our team will start working on processing the information provided and do a virtual site visit. In some cases, we might need to have our professional engineer to be present on site for CO2 measurements and other data gatherings as needed.
- Once the process is complete, we will work with Energy Star to complete the verification process and get you certified.
Energy Star Certification general notes
- Energy Fave will comply with the EPA’s guidelines to achieve ENERGY STAR Certification for each building.
- Energy Fave makes no guarantee that the building will achieve ENERGY STAR Certification once the virtual site visit has been completed; therefore, virtual site visit for certification fees still apply.
- Energy Fave will coordinate with Client to meet the minimum building Certifications for each trip outside of Houston and Los Angeles, if applicable.
- An estimated value for energy usage will be entered where information is not provided. This is common practice for Utility compliance.
Why is a site visit required?
The Virtual site visit per Building is needed to verify the accuracy of data provided in Energy Star application.

Energy Star Benchmarking
What does Energy Star Benchmarking include?
- Energy Fave will provide ENERGY STAR benchmarking by creating or updating the building profile in EPA’s ENERGY STAR portfolio manager for each facility.
- No travel to the site is included in this fee and is not necessary to complete Benchmarking services.
What must a client provide at each building benchmarked?
- Completed Benchmarking template (provided by Energy Fave)
- Owner of the facility – Name, Address, Phone number.
- Property Manager – Name, Address, Phone number, Email.
- Building correct information i.e. address, year built, sqft including occupied and vacant.
- where applicable: number of laundry hookups in all units and in common areas, total number of residential units, Number of stories.
- Sqft of parking lots (if applicable) or number of parking spaces
- Note, an estimated value for energy usage will be calculated where information is not provided. Manual entries for 4 meters is included in the benchmarking fee per building. Any additional meters above 4 will be billed at an additional cost per meter.
What type of buildings are eligible for energy performance rating?
- Bank Branch
- Courthouse
- Data Center
- Distribution Center
- Financial Office
- Hospital (General Medical & Surgical)
- Hotel
- K-12 School
- Multifamily Housing
- Non-Refrigerated Warehouse
- Office
- Refrigerated Warehouse
- Retail Store
- Senior Care Community
- Supermarket/Grocery Store
- Wholesale Club/Supercenter
- Worship Facility
Does the size of the building affect fees?
A custom proposal will be generated depending on the sqft and the number of utility meters.
Site visit required?
A Virtual site visit per building is required to verify the information provided in the Statement of Energy Performance (SEP) are accurate.

Meter Verification/Utility Compliance
What does Portfolio Manger meter verification/utility compliance include?
- Energy Fave will verify the accuracy of meter information in the building profile in the EPA’s ENERGY STAR portfolio manager for each facility referenced in “Building List”.
- Energy Fave to submit applicable documentation for previous calendar year utility compliance.
- This agreement continues annually and is cancelable by either party at any time with a 30 day written notice via email.