Boulder Building Performance Ordinance - How to comply?

Boulder Building Performance Ordinance

What is Boulder Building Performance Ordinance ?

Boulder Building Performance Ordinance (Ordinance No. 8071) calls for new rating, reporting, and energy efficiency requirements for existing commercial and industrial buildings. The requirements surpass existing voluntary programs to require actions that reduce energy consumption and improve the overall quality of Boulder’s commercial and industrial building stock. The ordinance was adopted in 2015 and reporting obligations began in 2016.

What buildings are required per Boulder Building Performance ordinance?

  • City-owned buildings above 5,000 square feet.
  • Existing buildings above 20,000 square feet.
  • New construction buildings above 10,000 squaree feet.
  • Large industrial campuses (three or more buildings, at least partially used for manufacturing, served by a central plant or single utility meter)

Also, once every 10 years, your building will be required to undergo an energy assessment and retro-commissioning study.

Your building is also required to complete a one-time lighting upgrade (if your building does not already meet the requirements) by a specified due date.

Your building may qualify for an exemption from reporting if:

  • The building was not in operation for the full calendar year.

What is the penalty for non-compliance?

Failure to comply by the deadlines will result in fines of $0.0025 per square foot per day (up to $1,000 per day of non-compliance).

What is the compliance process?

Building owners must report their energy usage data to Energy Star Portfolio Manager, a reporting tool that allows building owners to compare their building’s energy efficiency with similar buildings.

What is the deadline for Boulder Building Performance Compliance?

Municipal, Commercial, and industrial privately-owned buildings greater than 20,000 square feet, or new constructions at least 10,000  square feet must submit their report by June 1st.

What utilities are required for benchmarking reporting?

  • Water
  • Electricity
  • Natural Gas
  • District Energy
  • Any other purchased fuel

What is the purpose for Boulder Building Performance ordinance?

The ordinance’s objective is to ensure the long-term vitality of the community. Emphasizing energy consumption aligns with the city’s broader climate initiatives, with commercial and industrial buildings responsible for 53% of Boulder’s overall greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to supporting the city’s climate objectives, these mandates offer valuable insights that can assist building owners in optimizing the energy efficiency of their properties. This not only positively impacts their financial bottom line but also enhances the comfort of work and living spaces for tenants.

Interested in benchmarking help?

    If you are interested to learn more how Energy Fave can help with Energy benchmarking for your building or if you have more questions about the whole reporting process, feel free to email us: