BERDO 2.0 Third-Party Verification

What is BERDO?

The Boston Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance is known as BERDO. BERDO sets requirements for large buildings to reduce their energy and water usage. BERDO’s goal is to reduce emissions and pollutants steadily to net zero by year 2050.

BERDO How to Report in 2022

What are the benefits of BERDO verification?

  1. There are several benefits to having your building’s energy report verified, including:

    • Increased accuracy: BERDO verification helps to ensure that your building’s energy report is accurate and complete. This can help you to avoid fines and penalties from the City of Boston.
    • Improved energy efficiency: BERDO verification can help you to identify opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of your building. This can save you money on your energy bills and help to reduce your environmental impact.
    • Compliance with regulations: BERDO verification helps you to ensure that your building is in compliance with the City of Boston’s energy efficiency regulations. This can help you to avoid fines and penalties.

How to report BERDO?

  1. Complete Energy Star Portfolio Manager
  2. Complete the BERDO Reporting Form
  3. Licensed Professional Engineer to Verify the data
BERDO reporting Form Third Party Verification

Verification Steps

  1. Find a Licensed Professional Engineer: This is the first step for the building owner to get started with the verification process. The licensed P.E. needs to be outside of building owners organization and holds credentials accepted by the city of Boston.
  2. Complete the BERDO Reporting Form, and Energy Star Portfolio Manager data and send them to the licensed Professional Engineer: Once the BERDO Reporting form and ESPM data are complete, the Professional Engineer needs to review and verify all the data. The Engineer will either approve the reported data or reject data.
  3. Assist with the verification process: Licensed Professional Engineer reviews the Energy Star Portfolio Manager account data, utility bills, and any supporting information and review any possible errors or inconsistencies and discuss the steps to resolve them with the building owner.
  4. Keep any verification records: Once the verification process is completed, the Engineer on the record will send a signed data verification checklist to the building owner. Building Owners should keep a copy of each data verification checklist for at least ten years.

BERDO Reporting Deadline

Deadline for reporting 2023 data is May 15th 2024.

If you are interested to learn more how Energy Fave can help with BERDO 2.0 for your building or if you have more questions about the whole verification process, feel free to email us: